Stem erect; branches spreading, minutely downy; leaves opposite, elliptic, ovate or oblong, mucronulate, glabrous, when young minutely downy, rusty beneath, with, slightly recurved margins; flowers tetrandrous, solitary; fruit (when young) obovate; mericarps glabrous, punctulate. A foot or more high, with a long, nearly simple, woody root. Twigs reddish or brown. Internodes longer than the leaves. Stipules very small. Leaves shortly petiolate, 3-4 lines long, 2 lines broad. Corolla with a short tube. Anthers linear, white. Stigmas long, hairy. Ripe fruit unknown.
Dwarf, non-dioecious shrub, up to 0.4 m tall. Leaves 4-ranked, in clusters, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, tough and thickish, mostly papillate on one or both surfaces, ± discolorous. Flowers in axillary clusters, ± sessile, yellowish to reddish purple.
Dwarf shrub to 40 cm. Leaves decussate, lanceolate. Flowers in axillary clusters, yellowish.