Prostrate, not mat-forming, dwarf shrub, 0.25-0.50 m high; trailing stems radiating from common base, rooting at nodes; dioecious. Leaves oblanceolate, glabrous, margins papillate; petioles subobsolete; stipules with small broadly triangular seta. Flowers in axillary pairs or single at nodes. Corolla greenish yellow, reddish purple outside. Male flowers: tube ± 1.2-2.3 mm long; anthers ± 1.5-2.2 mm long; small rudimentary ovary. Female flowers: tube ± 1.1 mm long, style absent to ± 1.3 mm long, stigma up to 8-10 mm long. Ovary ± 1.4 x 1 mm, without conspicuous calyx lobes. Flowering time Aug.-Oct. Fruit reddish, mericarps ± 2.3 x 2.9 mm, obovate.
Stem elongate, prostrate, rooting; branches short, downy or glabrous; leaves opposite, lanceolate or subspathulate, mucronate, glabrous, with revolute margins; flowers solitary, tetrandrous; fruit obcordate; mericarps roundish on the back, minutely downy or glabrous; calyx-teeth nearly obsolete. Root woody, 1/2-1 foot, stem 1-3 feet high, rooting at the internodes. Branches 1 inch or a finger long.
Dioecious, prostrate, dwarf shrub to 10 cm, stems trailing and rooting at nodes. Leaves decussate, lanceolate. Flowers in axillary pairs, yellowish.