Large forest trees usually more than 20 m. high. Leaves crowded at ends of branches or alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets (11–)15–21, lateral ones opposite or subopposite, generally oblong or ovate-oblong, rounded and unequal sided at the base, with numerous rather closely parallel lateral nerves. Inflorescences of panicles borne in leaf axils. Flowers polygamous, 5-merous. Calyx-lobes shortly pointed. Petals valvate or imbricate, pubescent. Male flowers with 10 stamens and a pistillode at centre of thickened disk. Female flowers a little larger than ♂, staminodes present; ovary subglobose, 5-locular, each locule with 1 ovule; styles 5, short. Fruit a drupe, plum-like or apple-shaped and depressed at the apex, strong-smelling and edible; endocarp angled and several-seeded, with 5 apical opercules.