Erect or decumbent dwarf shrub up to 300 mm tall, densely branched or compact from base. Leaves with white, thickened margins, linear-oblanceolate, apex acute or obtuse, spinous-pointed, glabrous. Calyx lobes 4.5 mm long. Corolla 14-20 mm long. Flowers pale blue to purple.
Erect or decumbent, dwarf shrub, 80-600 mm tall, densely branched from base. Leaves linear-lanceolate, with thickened white margins. Flowers sessile, corolla tube ± funnel-shaped, streaked with white, lobes pale blue to purple. Flowering after rain.
Leaves 4–25 x (1)2(3.5) mm., linear-oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, spinous pointed, glabrous above, glabrous beneath or with few long, white hairs in area of midrib, margin thickened, white cartilaginous.
Erect or decumbent undershrub up to 30 cm. tall, densely branched or compact from base; stem woody, white to pale brown glossy, glabrous to sparsely setose-pilose; branches densely leafy.
Calyx 7 mm. long, lobes c. 1 mm. wide, joined at base for about 2.5 mm., linear-lanceolate, acute, externally sparsely long-setose mainly on median nerve, margin long ciliate-setose.
Corolla pale blue to purple; tube 14–20 mm. long, narrowed towards base, sparsely to subdensely short pilose without; lobes broadly ovate to subrotund.
Flowers axillary, sessile to subsessile; bracts or attendant leaves c. 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, similar to leaves.
Capsule 5.5–6 mm. long, c. 4 mm. broad, obovoid-cylindrical, subcompressed, prominently parallel-nerved.
Lower stamens about half as long as corolla tube, anthers sterile; all anthers glabrous, subreniform.
Style minutely pubescent below, exceeding corolla tube.
Seeds c. 1.5 x 1 mm.; testa reticulately wrinkled.