Dwarf shrub or shrub, up to 0.9 m high. Stems erect or procumbent, often shortly and closely branched; woody. Leaves densely fascicled; crowding flowers; blade spathulate, 12-25 x 3-4 mm; petioles ± as long as blade. Flowers: calyx 7-9 mm long; corolla 16-22 mm long, blue or purple; ± all year, mostly Oct.-Mar.
Dwarf, tufted shrublet, 10-70 mm tall. Leaves narrowed below into a petiole, oblong-spathulate and spine-tipped, crowding and exceeding flowers. Flowers sessile, ± corolla tube funnel-shaped, lobes blue and violet with darker patches at base, throat whitish.
Erect or prostrate shrublet, up to 90 mm tall. Stem short, woody, in many cases shortly and closely branched. Leaves densely caespitose, spathulate, crowding the flowers, petioles nearly as long as leaves. Flowers purple.
Dwarf, tufted shrublet. Leaves oblong and spine-tipped, exceeding flowers, narrowed below into a petiole. Flowers blue and violet, whitish on outside, tube filiform below.