Tree or shrub to 10 m tall, most parts puberulous with red-brown dendroid and simple hairs. Leaves: axes with small, ±raised gland at pinna pairs; pinnae 1-2-jugate; leaflets 5-11-jugate, subsessile, oblong to ovate-oblong and oblong-obovate, 2-10 mm long, 1.5-5 mm wide, rounded and often retuse, puberulous, sometimes also with scattered, dendroid hairs. Inflorescences axillary near tips of branchlets, 1.5-4 cm long, pubescent. Flowers in globular heads to 1 cm diam., yellow; perianth c. 3 mm long, ±appressed-puberulous except tips, sometimes also dendroid-puberulous. Pod flat, narrowly oblong, 6.5-17 cm long, 10-25 mm wide, chartaceous to coriaceous, finely puberulous. Seeds flat, circular to oval, 5-12 mm long, 5.5-11 mm wide, including peripheral wing 0.2-0.5 mm wide.
Grows in red sandy-clay loam, heavy brown soils, deep yellow sand and deep gravelly yellow soil in eucalypt woodland and Acacia shrubland.