Tree to 20 m high, sparingly puberulous to glabrous in most parts, with red microhairs sometimes evident. Leaves: axes narrowly winged, with ± raised glands, 1 at insertion of pinnae and often at distal pair of leaflets; pinnae unijugate; leaflets 1.5–3 (–4)-jugate, sessile, oblanceolate to oblong, 13–38 mm long, 3–14 mm wide, rounded and sometimes retuse or emarginate apically. Inflorescences in upper leaf axils, 1–4 cm long; peduncles bearing flowers in globular heads c. 1.5 cm diam. Flowers cream to yellow; calyx oblanceolate to urceolate, 2–2.5 mm long, with red microhairs in upper half; corolla 2.5–4.5 mm long. Pod flat, narrowly oblong, to 20 cm long and 10–20 mm wide, chartaceous, glabrous; stipe to 14 mm long. Seeds subcircular, 8 mm long, 7.5 mm wide (including wing c. 0.3 mm wide), flat, glossy, dark brown.
Grows in semi-deciduous vine thicket, sometimes along creeks in sand and sandy loam, often among boulders on steep slopes.