Trees or shrubs, branchlets slender, furfuraceous. Leaves black-punctate, glabrous above, lepidote beneath at first, petiolate, the petioles canaliculate, 1-2 cm long; leaf blades firmly chartaceous, dentate, denticulate, or sub-entire, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 7.5-15 cm long and 2.3-6 cm wide, sub-abruptly acuminate apically, the acumen usually short, sometimes subcaudate, acutish and decurrent on petiole basally, the costa impressed above, elevated beneath, the primary veins slender and widely ascending. Inflorescences fur-furaceous, 2-3-pinnately paniculate, the rachis and branches sharply zigzag, to 23 cm wide and high. Flowers 5-merous, reflexed, the strongly recurved pedicels 3-8 mm long, glabrate; sepals free nearly to the base, ovate or broadly ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, ciliate, obtuse or rounded apically, black-punctate and sometimes with larger red glands apically; corolla 5.5-6 mm long, the petals connate ca. 2 mm, constricted basally into a narrow tube ca. 1 mm long, contorted, ovate-elliptic, asymmetrical, sparsely punctate with black glands; stamens inserted at the apex of the constricted corolla tube, the filaments short, ca. 1 mm long, the anthers thick, lanceolate-oblong, 2.5-3 mm long, acute, dehiscent at first by apical pores, concolorous; ovary gla-brous, the ovules pluriseriate, numerous, the style 4-5 mm long, punctate. Fruit purple-black with scant pulp, drying 6-9 mm in diameter.