Shrubs, to 2.5 m high, sometimes trees of 7 m, the branchlets thick, apically densely glandular-puberulent and usually villous, the glandular tri-chomes reddish. Leaves large, the petioles 0.5-2.5 cm long; leaf blades obovate, oblanceolate, or oblong-elliptic, mostly 20-40 cm long and 6-12 cm wide, sometimes larger, short-acuminate apically, attenuate and decurrent basally, thin, membranaceous, at first minutely puberulent beneath, espe-cially along the veins, and sparsely lepidote, glabrous otherwise, minutely and densely puncticulate, the margins closely and finely pectinate-dentate with short subulate teeth, the costa large and elevated beneath, the primary lateral veins slender but conspicuous, reticulate. Inflorescences terminal, vari-able in size, 3.5-20 cm long, 2-3-pinnately paniculate, densely and minutely glandular-puberulent, and with interspersed villous trichomes, mostly basally. Flowers 5-merous, corymbose, rose-purple, ca. 5 mm long; pedicels 4-11 mm long, papillose; sepals almost free, dextrorsely imbricate, ovate or lance-olate, 2-3 mm long, acute, acuminate, or subulate apically, usually densely punctate with orange-red glands, sometimes obscurely and sparsely punctate, papillose-puberulent, the margins erose and ciliolate; petals dextrorsely con-torted, connate ca. 1.5 mm basally, 5-6 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate, minutely puberulent on the outer surface, sparsely punctate or epunctate, minutely glandular-puberulent within basally, the margins obscurely ciliolate; stamens 2-4 mm long, the filaments 0.3-0.75 mm long, attenuate-acuminate or apiculate, dorsifixed 0.1-0.2 mm above the. .base; ovary ellipsoid, usually black-punctate, the ovules 10 or more, in several series, immersed, the pla-centa ovoid, the style 2.2-5 mm long. Fruit depressed-ovoid, ca. 6 mm in diameter, purple-black at maturity.