Shrubs or small trees, sometimes 8 m high, the branchlets stout, glabrous; leaf buds ciliate and minutely ferruginous-tomentose. Leaves with marginate petioles, usually short, sometimes to 1.2 cm long; leaf blades oblanceolate, obovate-oblong, elliptic, or obovate-elliptic, mostly 9-19 cm long and 3.5-8 cm wide, obtuse or often rounded apically, attenuate to the decurrent base, glabrous, subcoriaceous or chartaceous, entire, drying pallid, the costa prominent beneath, the veins slender and obscure. Inflorescences terminal, punctate, glabrous or sparsely puberulent and glabrescent, the racemes in sessile or subsessile bipinnate or rarely tripinnate panicles, the panicles usually less than 15 cm long; pedicels usually 4-6 (-10) mm long, sometimes shorter. Flowers 5-merous, white, 6-9 mm long at anthesis; sepals ovate-oblong or elliptic, 1.5-2.8 mm long, rounded apically, ciliate, the margin scarious, maculate medially with lineate or oblong dispersed black glands, papillose within basally, otherwise glabrous; petals dextrorsely imbricate, oblong or oblong-elliptic, to 8 mm long, rounded and laterally notched apically, connate basally into a tube ca. 2 mm long, glandular-papillose within basally, the petals otherwise glabrous, black-punctate with conspicuous lineate glands; stamens 4-6.5 mm long, attached near the base of the tube, the filaments glabrous, slender, sometimes to 4.8 mm long, the anthers dorsifixed 0.5-0.8 mm above the base, narrowly triangular, 2-3.2 mm long, apiculate, epunctate; ovary glabrous, the ovules numerous, pluriseriate, immersed, the style slender, 5-6 mm long. Fruit coarsely punctate with large elevated glands, subglobose, 4-S mm in diameter when dry, turning purple-black at maturity.
A tree. The wood is red. It grows 10 m tall. The leaves have short leaf stalks. The leaves are shiny. The leaf blade is 6-21 cm long by 3-9 cm wide. The flowers are in groups on long stalks. The fruit are dark purple berries. They are 5-8 mm across. There is only a small amount of juicy pulp.