Shrubs or small trees, the branchlets slender, red-brown, densely furfu-raceous. Leaves short petiolate, the petioles 2-6 mm long, canaliculate, furfu-raceous; leaf blades membranaceous, lanceolate, 5.5-10 cm long and 1.5-3.5 cm wide, caudate-acuminate apically, rounded and acutish basally, subentire, conspicuously black-punctate, thinly lepidote beneath, glabrous above, the midvein impressed above, elevated beneath, the primary lateral veins slender, 9-10 pairs. Inflorescences terminal, furfuraceous, slender, leafy basally, tri-pinnately paniculate, to 8 cm long, the branches few, elongate; pedicels slender, 3.5-7.5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, umbellate, ca. 3 mm long; sepals ovate, ca. 1-1.4 mm long, acute, black-punctate, sparsely furfuraceous, the margin hyaline, erose; corolla glabrous, 2.5-2.8 mm long, the petals lanceolate-elliptic, connate basally ca. 0.7 mm, black-punctate; stamens ca. 2 mm long, the filaments ca. 0.9 mm long, the anthers thick, ovate-cordate, ca. 1 mm long, apiculate; ovary ovoid, sparsely lepidote, the ovules 6 or 7, biseriate, the style slender, 2.5-3 mm long. Fruit globose, ca. 6 mm in diameter.