Leaves sometimes dimorphic, those on the lateral twigs cuneate and oblong, those on the main stems cordate and shorter; stipules forming a short sheath with 2 interpetiolar awns.
Calyx small, mostly completely hidden by the leaves of the brachyblasts surrounding the flower base; limb short, with minute lobes.
Shrubs or sometimes lianes with horizontal or recurved lateral branches; bark papery, brown or grey, peeling characteristically.
Ovary 2-celled with a single ovule in each cell; style included or exserted, with 2 thick stigmatic (pollen presenter) lobes.
Anthers attached in the corolla throat, sessile and half included or with distinct filaments and exserted.
Seeds hemispherical with entire endosperm; testa not developed.
Corolla salver-shaped with lobes contorted to the left.
Fruit with membranous endocarp.