Argostemma Wall.


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Rubiaceae


Herbs, unarmed, often reduced and/or monocaulous, often rhizomatous or tuberous, usually notably fleshy; stems flattened to subterete. Raphides present. Leaves opposite, apparently verticillate due to closely set stem nodes and/or leaflike stipules, or slightly to markedly anisophyllous and apparently alternate, decussate or distichous, without domatia; stipules persistent or deciduous, interpetiolar, entire or bilobed, sometimes leaflike and thus apparently absent. Inflorescences terminal or sometimes pseudoaxillary, fasciculate, cymose-corymbiform, or umbelliform, several flowered, few flowered, or reduced to 1 flower, sessile to pedunculate, bracteate with bracts sometimes fused into an involucre or sometimes with bracts very reduced. Flowers pedicellate or sessile, bisexual or monomorphic, sometimes somewhat zygomorphic, usually nodding. Calyx limb deeply 4-or 5-lobed. Corolla white, broadly rotate (i.e., "Solanum-like") to campanulate (i.e., bell-shaped), glabrous inside; lobes 4 or 5, valvate in bud. Stamens 4 or 5, inserted near base of corolla tube, partially to fully exserted; filaments reduced or developed and free, coherent, or fused in middle portions into a tube; anthers free or usually coherent into a tube, with longitudinal slits or terminal pores, sometimes with connective prolonged at apex. Ovary 2-celled, ovules numerous in each cell on axile placentas attached near top of septum; stigma capitate or 2-lobed, included or exserted. Fruiting pedicels usually becoming thickened and erect. Fruit capsular, subglobose to obovoid, dehiscent through apical operculum formed from disk portion, leathery or membranous, often becoming black, with calyx limb persistent, with endocarp and septum becoming notably fibrous; seeds numerous, small, flattened to angled, with testa reticulate; endosperm fleshy.
Life form -
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Argostemma unspecified picture


Argostemma world distribution map, present in Andorra, Bangladesh, China, Gabon, Guinea, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Liberia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Nepal, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Taiwan, Province of China, and Viet Nam


WFO ID wfo-4000002992
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)



Lower taxons

Argostemma inaequilaterum Argostemma annamiticum Argostemma arachnosum Argostemma bariense Argostemma begoniaceum Argostemma brookei Argostemma burttii Argostemma buwaldae Argostemma chaii Argostemma concinnum Argostemma condensum Argostemma crassinerve Argostemma denticulatum Argostemma discolor Argostemma dispar Argostemma dulitense Argostemma ebracteolatum Argostemma elatostemma Argostemma elongatum Argostemma epitrichum Argostemma flavescens Argostemma hirtum Argostemma invalidum Argostemma klossii Argostemma johorense Argostemma korthalsii Argostemma lanceolarium Argostemma laxum Argostemma linearifolium Argostemma lingua-felis Argostemma maquilingense Argostemma montis-doormannii Argostemma neesianum Argostemma neurosepalum Argostemma oliganthum Argostemma ophirense Argostemma parishii Argostemma parvifolium Argostemma parvum Argostemma pedicellatum Argostemma plumbeum Argostemma puffii Argostemma pygmaeum Argostemma rostratum Argostemma rugosum Argostemma solaniflorum Argostemma squalens Argostemma subcrassum Argostemma subinaequale Argostemma sumatranum Argostemma teysmannianum Argostemma thaithongiae Argostemma trichosanthes Argostemma unifolium Argostemma urticifolium Argostemma variegatum Argostemma yappii Argostemma attenuatum Argostemma courtallense Argostemma diversifolium Argostemma enerve Argostemma geesinkii Argostemma gracile Argostemma grandiflorum Argostemma hookeri Argostemma inaequale Argostemma jabiense Argostemma khasianum Argostemma laeve Argostemma laevigatum Argostemma lanceolatum Argostemma lobbii Argostemma macrosepalum Argostemma monophyllum Argostemma montanum Argostemma neurocalyx Argostemma nigrum Argostemma nutans Argostemma pauciflorum Argostemma pedunculosum Argostemma pictum Argostemma propinquum Argostemma pulchellum Argostemma reptans Argostemma riparium Argostemma roemeri Argostemma rotundicalyx Argostemma rupestre Argostemma stenophyllum Argostemma subfalcifolium Argostemma tenue Argostemma triflorum Argostemma uniflorum Argostemma montense Argostemma moultonii Argostemma multinervium Argostemma muscicola Argostemma nanum Argostemma nervosum Argostemma oblongum Argostemma timorense Argostemma trichanthum Argostemma acuminatissimum Argostemma aequifolium Argostemma angustifolium Argostemma anisophyllum Argostemma anupama Argostemma apiculatum Argostemma bicolor Argostemma borragineum Argostemma brachyantherum Argostemma brevicaule Argostemma perakense Argostemma perplexum Argostemma pusillum Argostemma junghuhnii Argostemma kurzii Argostemma psychotrichoides Argostemma fasciculatum Argostemma siamense Argostemma psychotrioides Argostemma laotica Argostemma phyllocharis Argostemma glabra Argostemma fragile Argostemma hirtellum Argostemma africanum Argostemma bifolium Argostemma calcicola Argostemma carstensense Argostemma coenosciadicum Argostemma debile Argostemma densifolium Argostemma distichum Argostemma gaharuense Argostemma havilandii Argostemma longistimula Argostemma longistipula Argostemma pumilum Argostemma ridleyi Argostemma rupestrinum Argostemma stellare Argostemma unifolioloide Argostemma viscidum Argostemma yunnanense Argostemma bryophilum Argostemma tavoyanum Argostemma fallax Argostemma callitrichum Argostemma griseum Argostemma hainanicum Argostemma hameliifolium Argostemma hirsutum Argostemma humifusum Argostemma humile Argostemma lobulatum Argostemma longifolium Argostemma sarmentosum Argostemma saxatile Argostemma sessilifolium Argostemma stellatum Argostemma succulentum Argostemma verticillatum Argostemma wallichii Argostemma wollastonii Argostemma wrayi Argostemma victorianum