Stems twining; branches terete, densely and more or less appressedly pilose with short, fulvous hairs. Leaves ovate, 6-8 by 3-5 cm, subcordate at the base, attenuate towards the obtusish apex, sub-coriaceous, upper surface green, glabrous or with some strigillose hairs on the midrib; lower surface purple, sparsely pilose with slightly curved hairs, more densely so on the midrib and the 6-7 nerves on either side; petiole 2-2½ cm, sulcate above, pilose like the branches. Inflorescences axillary, densely umbellately cymose at the apex; peduncle 4-7 cm, strigose-tomentose as are the branches of it, the pedicels and the minute bracts; pedicels 1-3 mm. Sepals strigose-tomentose outside, two outer ones broadly ovate-triangular, obtuse, ca 3.5 mm long; sepal 3 orbicular to transverse-ellptic, ca 4 mm long, with one glabrous margin; two inner sepals orbicular to transverse-ellptic, ca 4 mm long, with two glabrous margins. Corolla 5-partite, purple, paler tipped; tube ca 6 mm long, glabrous; lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse, up to ca 17 mm long; midpetaline bands sericeous, margins glabrous; filaments inserted at the mouth of the tube, with thickened base. Ovary glabrous, 2-celled. Fruit unknown.