Plants (100-)300-500 mm high, forming tufts up to 150 mm diam. Stem erect, occasionally with 1 or 2 short branches, elliptic in cross section, with (1)4 to 6 sessile lateral flower clusters. Leaves linear, mostly 2.5-3.0 mm wide, reaching to ± middle of stem, loosely twisted. Flower clusters (1)4 to 6, mostly sessile, each 2-to 4-flowered; spathes greenish with translucent margins becoming dry above, 15-18 mm long, bracts shorter than the spathes. Flowers half nodding, held at 45° to horizontal, pale pink to pale lilac, streaked dull brownish outside, outer tepals copper-brown in the lower 1/3, usually with a yellow central streak; outer tepals 22-23 x 13-14 mm, inner 23-25 x 15-17 mm. Filaments ± 4 mm long; anthers ± 5 mm long; pollen yellow. Ovary ± 10 mm long, slightly curved; style ± 11 mm long, stigma lobes broad, deeply fringed. Capsules elongate, woody, indehiscent, 35-40 mm long. Seeds triangular-columnar, truncate at apex and base, fringed with papillae along angles, sculptering obscurely foveate, epidermal cells domed, reddish brown, 1.5-1.8 x ± 1.5 mm.
Rhizomatous perennial, mostly 40-50 cm, forming small clumps, stems mostly unbranched. Leaves linear, tough and fibrous. Flowers pale pink to lilac, tepal bases deep lilac or violet, streaked dull brownish outside, outer tepals with a copper-brown mark in lower third. Capsules elongate.