Plants 400-600 mm high. Stem slightly compressed, oval in section, with low raised angles decurrent on cauline leaves, repeatedly branched (one or two orders), main axis remaining dominant, branches ascending. Leaves ± linear, leathery, basal ± 1/2 as long as stem, mostly 4-6 mm wide, cauline leaves progressively shorter above. Flower clusters many in false panicle, sessile or stalked, each (1)2-to 4-flowered; spathes and bracts ovate to lanceolate, mostly 3.5-4.5 mm long, evidently translucent membranous with brown keels and shading brown near bases, becoming torn with age. Flowers blue, ± sessile; tepals ± 6 mm long. Filaments ± 2.5 mm long; anthers ± 1.5 mm long. Style unknown. Capsules globose, ± 4 mm diam., sessile. Seeds unknown.