Leaves 6–8, basal and cauline, reaching to about the middle of the stem, 3–8 mm wide, linear or falcate, the upper cauline leaves reduced in size and partly to entirely sheathing.
Flower clusters many, mostly stalked, generally 2-flowered; spathes and bracts whitish and translucent with dark keels, 6–8 mm long, the margins fimbriate.
Stem repeatedly branched in the upper third, the central axis predominant, weakly compressed, without wings.
Flowers blue; tepals 8–10 mm long, obovate.
Filaments c. 3 mm long, anthers 3 mm long.
Style reaching the anther apices, 3-lobed.
Capsules oblong, c. 6 mm long.
Plants (40)50–100 cm tall.