Plants 0.8-1.0 m high, solitary or growing in clumps. Stem rounded in section, with suberect branches borne at lower fertile nodes, lateral flower clusters sessile, branches short, crowded. Leaves several, linear, 7-14 mm wide, firm and fibrous. Flower clusters many, crowded, those below the terminal mostly sessile but lower nodes with short to long branches, each mostly 2-to 4-flowered; spathes and bracts rusty brown, 8-10 mm long, thinner and somewhat translucent near the edges, glabrous, becoming slightly crinkled and torn with age. Flowers subsessile, blue; tepals obovate, ± 15 mm long. Filaments ± 4 mm long; anthers ± 4.5 mm long. Ovary 3-lobed; style ± 7 mm long, minutely 3-notched. Capsules oblong in outline, narrowly 3-winged, 11-14 mm long. Seeds lamellate, kidney-shaped, mostly 2 per locule, margins papillate.