Woody vine; stem 15 x 10 mm in cross section, bark thick and fissured; branchlets with fine, short and sparse trichomes; pseudostipules lacking. Leaves: petiole twining, about 2 cm long; blade chartaceous, elliptic, 7-11 x 4-7 cm, pubescent when young, becoming glabrescent except on the veins and dull above, beneath pubescent, apex acute to acuminate, base deeply cordate. Inflorescence axillary, hanging, 1-2(-3) together; racemes 2-4 cm long, occasionally up to 10 cm, about 1 cm between flowers; bracts small, leafy, linear to triangular, 6-10 x 2-4 mm; pedicels ± 5 mm long not longer than the ovary, pubescent. Flowers: ovary ± 7 mm long, pubescent; perianth pilose with multicellular hairs, dark purple with green veins outside; utricle ovoid, 7 mm long; tube 10-15 mm long, broadening into a flattened mouth; lobe triangular, about 15 mm long and wide, apex acute, inside yellow. Fruit (4-)5-6 cm long, glabrous, with a longitudinal ridge along the middle of each carpel, inner walls membranaceous, comb-like; seeds cordiform, 5 x 5 mm, surrounded by 2 parallel, papyraceous wings, with rounded apex, 7-8 x 12-15 mm including wings, base cordate.