Medium-round, fragrant, early-ripening, with smooth, custard-textured flesh. Origin: Kentucky State University, Frankfort, by K.W. Pomper, S.B. Crabtree, and J.D. Lowe. Levfiv O.P. growing at the Harold R. Benson Research and Demonstration Farm, Frankfort, KY; selected 2000; tested as KSU 7-5; introd. 2016. Tree: propagated by chip budding on actively growing rootstock and bark inlay grafting; moderately vigorous; high yielding, 15-32 kg/tree; fruit thinning can increase fruit size. Fruit: 174-390 g; fleshy; shape unique round; flavor mango-banana-like, sweet, 18.6 oBrix; texture medium-firm, creamy, smooth; flesh orange; fruit quality and quantity excellent; percent seed 6.4% by weight; ripens late August to early September in Kentucky, ~5 d before Sunflower.