Medium, fragrant pawpaw, with smooth, custard-textured flesh. Origin: Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY, by K.W. Pomper., S.B. Crabtree, and J.D. Dove. Selected from population from seed collected by R. Neal Peterson in 1990 from a seedling tree at the Wye Research and Education Center (Queenstown, MD) which in turn originated from o.p. seed from BEF-49 (unknown origin) growing at the Blandy Experimental Farm (Boyce, VA); tested as MD90W062-3; introd. 2010. Tree: Fruit: 140 g, as large as 355 g; fleshy; percent seed 8% by weight; unique mango-banana-pineapple-like flavor, sweet, 27 °Brix; texture medium-firm, creamy, smooth; flesh color yellow to orange; overall fruit quality and quantity excellent. Plant: high yielding, 15–33 kg/tree; vigorous with strong natural right-angled scaffold branching, responds well to pruning; fruit thinning can increase fruit size.