An erect, sparsely to rather densely branched shrub 0.6-1 m tall, with rigid, rather thick and strong branches. Young branches villous or tomentose. Leaves of long-shoots basally with a woody, straight or slightly recurved leaf base spine (2-)3-7 (rarely up to 10) mm long; leaflets linear, 2-5(-7) mm long, ±0.5-0.6 mm broad, usually slightly flattened, weak, bright green, glabrous or very sparsely hairy, acute or subobtuse. Inflorescence a terminal compact head of 3-10 flowers. Bracts trifoliolate (inner ones sometimes unifoliolate), its leaflet situated on and ±2 mm from the base of a leaf base spine up to 5 mm long (sometimes lacking on innermost bracts); leaflets linear, 3-9.5 x 0.6-1.4 mm, acute or apiculate, apically slightly recurved, ciliate on margins. Pedicel extremely short. Bracteoles narrower than but similar to the bract leaflets, 5.5-11.5 x 0.25-0.8 mm. Calyx tube campanulate-urceolate, pale, sericeous (-woolly); lobes linear-triangular, 3.5-10 mm long, green, ± recurved, ciliate on the margins, acuminate. Petals bright or light yellow. Standard blade obtriangular-obovate, 11-14.5 x 9.5-13 mm, apically rounded-retuse but with a short 'tip', densely sericeous on the back. Wing blades narrowly elliptic-ovate, 7.3-10 x 2.8-4.4 mm. Keel blades lunate, 8.2-10 x 4.4-5.3 mm, glabrous, with ± straight upper margin and prominent basal pouch. Wing and keel claws attached to the staminal sheath for more than half of their length. Pistil long-pubescent only on apex of ovary and style base. Pod triangular-ovate, 6-6.5 x 3.5-4 mm, glabrous or ± pubescent on apical parts.
Rigid shrublet to 1 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear, slightly flattened, weak, sometimes sparsely hairy, leaf bases forming woody spines. Flowers in terminal heads, bright or pale yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx silky, lobes narrowly triangular with recurved tips.