An erect, ascending or decumbent shrub or shrublet, (0.1-)0.2-0.8(-1.1) m tall, sparsely to rather densely branched; young branches short-villous. Leaflets linear, 1-3.5(-4.5) mm long and ±0.3 mm thick, terete, acute, often slightly incurved, light green. Inflorescences unifloral, on lateral short-shoots, either dispersed along the branches for up to ±50 mm or confined to short-shoots just below the branch tips. Bract minute, 0.2-0.5 mm long, subulate, at pedicel base. Pedicel 0.4-1 mm long, densely white-hairy. Bracteoles lacking. Calyx campanulate, densely puberulous; lobes subulate-linear, 1-2(-2.5) mm long, straight, acute, green or purplish, subglabrous or sparsely puberulous. Petals light yellow but with a purple standard midrib. Standard blade 4.2-6(-7) x 3-4.4 mm, with acute (hence the specific name), sometimes very slightly incurved apex, glabrous except for some basal pubescence on inside. Wing blades 3-4.5(-5.5) x 1.2-1.6(-2) mm, glabrous, with 1-2 rows of transverse folds on basal upper parts. Keel 4-5.5(-5.8) x 2-3 mm, glabrous. Pistil sericeous on the upper parts of the ovary and upper side of the style base; ovules 2. Pod obliquely lanceolate, ±8 x 3.5 mm, sericeous(-tomentose) on most parts.
Erect or sprawling shrublet to 1 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets terete, often slightly incurved, glabrous. Flowers single on short shoots, scattered, pale yellow with purple standard midrib, wings and keel glabrous, calyx shortly hairy, lobes awl-like, hairy.