An erect, robust shrub 1-1.7 m tall, branched from the base, otherwise sparingly branched, with ascending, thick, densely leafy branches, grey-tomentose on the young parts, with rather prominent, woolly short-shoot tubercles. Leaflets linear, 8-15(-20) mm long, 0.6-0.9 mm thick, subterete, rather weak, non-pungent, acuminate, green, glabrous. Inflorescences unifloral, on lateral short-shoots (several to rather numerous) along the branches below leafy branch tips. Flowers rather large, of about the same length as the leaflets. Bract situated at pedicel base, linear-lanceolate, 1-1.4 x 0.3 mm, glabrous on outside, pubescent on inside. Pedicel 3-5 mm long, densely tomentose. Bracteoles 0.5-1.3 mm long. Calyx campanulate, glabrous; the tube 4.5-5 mm long; the lobes narrowly triangular (-subulate), 2.7-4 mm long, weak, acute-acuminate. Petals bright yellow, rather carnose and rigid. Standard broadly obovate, 10-12 x 10-11.5 mm, glabrous except on the base, apex ending in a conical 'tip' of 0.5 mm. Wing blades lunate, upcurved, 9-11 x 4.3-4.7 mm, glabrous, carnose, with a major basal depression with ±4 rows of transverse folds; claw partly ciliate, broad, ±3.5-4 mm long. Keel rostrate, 8-10 x 4.5-5 mm, glabrous, rigid, apically protracted and subacute, tapering at upper base, without prominent basal pouch. Pistil woolly on the ovary; ovules 2(3); style long, curved, glabrous. Pod broadly lanceolate, 19-20.5 x 6.5-7.7 mm, rather thick-walled, partly woolly, brown when ripe.
Robust shrub, 1.0-1.7 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear, terete, weak, glabrous. Flowers single on short shoots, scattered, bright yellow, wings glabrous, keel strongly rostrate, glabrous, calyx glabrous, lobes narrowly triangular.