Erect or spreading shrublet, 0.1-0.5(-1.0) m high; diffusely branched or erect or ascending; young branches short-villous. Leaflets subterete-angular, glabrous to tubercled-hairy, variable, linear or subfiliform, (3-)4-10(-12) mm long, acute to acuminate, often red when dry. Inflorescences with few to several flowers scattered along branches. Flowers small. Calyx hairy; lobes filiform with minutely tuberculate hair bases. Petals yellow, fading rusty or dark red. Flowering time Sept.-Feb. Pod small, ovate, tomentose.
Erect or spreading shrublet, 0.5-1 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets variable, linear, subterete or angular, glabrous to tuberculate-hairy. Flowers solitary, scattered, yellow, fading rusty or dark red, wings glabrous, keel glabrous or hairy, calyx hairy, lobes terete, weak, tuberculate-hairy.