An ascending or erect shrub 0.4-1 m tall or more, with strong, virgate, rigid branches. Young branches covered with white, lanate pubescence, very densely and imbricately leafy. Leaves lanceolate, 10-20(-25) x 2.2-4.5(-6.5) mm, with a broad, semi-amplexicaul base, then gradually tapering towards the spine-tipped apex; upper and lower sides with 7-15 prominent longitudinal veins; margins ciliate with rather long white hairs. Inflorescence terminal on densely leafy branches, consisting of 2-5 flowers emerging from almost one point, surrounded by the uppermost leaves. Bract (hardly distinguishable at the long-hairy calyx base) narrowly subulate-subfiliform, 0.5-1.5 x less than 0.15 mm, provided with some long, spreading hairs. Pedicel very short. Bracteoles at least occasionally present, then similar to the bract, less than 0.8 mm long. Calyx tube campanulate, ±4.5 mm long, clothed with straight, half-spreading, long, white hairs; lobes linear lanceolate, 6.3-10 mm long, 3-5-veined, ending in long spines, closely long-ciliate on the margins, otherwise subglabrous. Petals yellow, very closely tomentose on most parts; wing and keel claws ±55% and 66% the length of the blades, respectively. Standard blade narrowly obtriangular-obovate, 10-12(-14.5) x 7-9 mm, rounded or retuse apically, closely tomentose on the back. Wing blades linear-spathulate, 8.7-10.3 x 2.5-3.5 mm, broadest in the apical rounded parts, closely sericeous-tomentose on lower and apical parts, with ±3 longitudinal rows of minute folds on upper parts of basal half. Keel blades 7.5-8.5(-9.2) x (2.6-)3-4 mm, sericeous (-tomentose) on most parts; upper margin slightly concave. Pistil pubescent only on upper basal parts of the ovary; ovules 2(-4). Pod lanceolate, 12-17 x 3.2-4.5 mm, broadest near the base and tapering towards the ± upcurved apex, glabrous, rather smooth.
Rigid shrub with wand-like branches, 40-100 cm. Leaves 1-foliolate, lanceolate, pungent, subamplexicaul, 7-15-veined from base, margins white-ciliate. Flowers 2-5, crowded at branch tips, yellow, wings and keel hairy, calyx white-hairy, lobes lanceolate with prominent veins, spine-tipped.