Erect shrub, 0.9-1.5 m high. Branches densely leafy, tomentose. Leaflets linear, piniform, 8-13 mm long, subterete or slightly flat, with dense, short, silvery sericeous pubescence. Inflorescences unifloral but often several-flowered on each branch. Flowers relatively large. Calyx globose or shortly campanulate, densely short-villous; lobes short, triangular, with mucronulate point. Petals pale yellow; keel glabrous. Flowering time Sept.
Erect shrub to over 1 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear, subterete or slightly flat, slender, silvery velvety. Flowers single, scattered, pale yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx velvety, lobes triangular, short, hairy.