A decumbent or ascending, rather sparingly branched shrublet with main branches up to more than 1 m long, young branches densely short-tomentose or short-villous. Leaflets linear, 2-6(-7) mm long, subterete, straight or slightly incurved, glabrous, light green, mucronulate (or acute). Inflorescences consisting of 2 or 3 (4) subsessile flowers radiating from the tips of leafy, non-pedunculate branches. Bract linear-subulate, 3.5-5 x 0.5-0.7 mm, acuminate-mucronulate, glabrous abaxially, hairy adaxially on basal half. Pedicel extremely short. Bracteoles 3.5-6 x 0.5-1 mm. Calyx tube 2.5-3 mm long, externally glabrous, with 5 prominent longitudinal ridges continuing into the midveins of the lobes; these broadly subulate, (4.5-)5-7 mm long, 1.2-2.5 mm broad at the base, acuminate, green, glabrous. Petals largely glabrous, light to bright yellow (rarely with red or brown shades). Standard blade broadly ovate or elliptic, 7.5-9 x 7.2-8.5 mm, glabrous (except for a basal hair tuft), the sides firmly incurved, the apex acute-acuminate, slightly incurved, not thickened. Wing blades oblong or narrowly elliptic, 7-7.8 x 2.8-3.9 mm, with ±3 rows of few minute folds at the base (fewer than in A. juniperina). Keel lunate, 5.8-6.6 x 3-3.6 mm, apically somewhat upcurved and subacute, with concave upper margin and prominent basal pouch. Pistil hairy on upper side of ovary only; ovules 2. Pod broadly triangular-lanceolate, 9-10.5 x 4-4.5 mm, compressed, smooth, greyish green to greyish brown.
Like A. juniperina but bracts larger, 3.5-5.0 mm long and wing blades with few folds below.