Erect, branched shrub, 0.9-2.5 m. Branches slender, grey-or white-velutinous when young. Leaflets linear, 6-20(-30) mm long, terete, silvery silky, soft, flexible. Inflorescences scattered, 1-3-flowered on lateral short-shoots, often dispersed in high numbers along branches. Flowers pale yellow; bract emerging on pedicel at some distance from floral base. Calyx short, silky, densely sericeous; lobes linear, obtuse. Flowering time Jan.-Apr. Pod lanceolate, sericeous to villous.
Shrub, usually 1-2 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear, soft, weak, silvery silky. Flowers 1-3 on short shoots, scattered along branches, pale yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx silky, lobes linear to narrowly triangular, silky.