Rigid shrub, 0.3-1.3(-2.0) m high; densely branched, young branches short-tomentose. Leaves glabrous. Leaflets subterete, pungent, 0.3-15.0 mm long, straight, stiff, usually broadest in basal half. Inflorescences: flowers 1 or 2 at branch tips or unifloral on lateral short-shoots. Flowers much exceeding leaves, yellow; standard petal sometimes reddish or purplish. Calyx campanulate; tube glabrous or pubescent; lobes spine-tipped, pungent. Flowering time July-Dec. Pod ovate, thick, very hard-walled, somewhat turgid, smooth to rugulose.
Rigid shrub or shrublet, 0.3-1.3 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets subterete, straight, stiff, pungent. Flowers 1 or 2 at branch tips, or single on short shoots, yellow, standard sometimes reddish or purplish, wings glabrous, keel with slightly pointed tip, glabrous, calyx sometimes woolly, lobes triangular, pungent.