An erect shrub up to 1.5 m tall (usually smaller), branched. Young branches smooth, with sparse, long, spreading hairs. Leaves ovate-cordate, sessile ('semi-amplexicaul'), 10-18(-24) x 8-16(20) mm; apex sharply spine-tipped (spine up to more than 2 mm long); base cordate; surface with 7-9 main longitudinal veins, minor reticulate venation present between these; margins very minutely serrulate-denticulate, followed by the peripheral veins. Inflorescences terminal, dense, ovate racemes with 10-20 closely set flowers, the lowest partly surrounded by the uppermost leaves. Bract acicular, 4-5 x 0.2-0.3 mm, with a few spreading hairs. Pedicel 1.2-1.8 mm long, subglabrous. Bracteoles acicular, 0.7-2 mm long. Calyx tube campanulate, ±2.5(-3) mm long, glabrous; lobes narrowly triangular, 1.2-2 mm long, acuminate (-weakly spine-tipped), glabrous. Petals cream-white to pale yellow, thin, fragile. Standard blade obovate, 5.1-6 x 3.8-4.4 mm, sparsely pubescent on apical third of the back, apically rounded but with a short, acute 'tip'; sides ± recurved. Wing blades linear-oblong, 5-6 x 1.3-1.5 mm, glabrous, with 1-2 longitudinal rows with faint minute folds covering most of the outer side. Keel blades 4.1-4.6 x 2.2-2.4 mm, glabrous, with slightly convex upper margin. Pistil: ovary elongate, ciliate on lower and upper sutures; ovules 4 or 5; style only slightly upcurved. Ripe pods not seen.
Like A. crenata but flowers cream-coloured to pale yellow, more numerous and smaller, keel blades to 4.5 mm.