A prostrate or procumbent shrublet, almost mat-like in the centre; main stem up to 5 mm thick; distal parts of branches rather slender, with spreading hairs; internodes below the inflorescences peduncular, up to 10 mm long or more. Leaves trifoliolate, those of young branches rather large; soon with lateral short-shoots. Leaflets of long-shoot leaves oblanceolate, 5-10 x 1-2 mm, obtuse, green, weak, without distinct veins, in young stage tomentose but glabrescent, and ultimately yellowish green. Short-shoot leaves smaller, smaller than 5 x 1 mm, tomentose. Inflorescence a pedunculate terminal spike (see above) with 2-4 flowers; the lowest flowers separated by an internode of ±5 mm (flowering stage). Bract narrowly ovate or obovate, 3-4 x 1-1.5 mm, acuminate, pubescent on both sides. Pedicel extremely short. Bracteoles oblanceolate, ±3 x 0.8-1 mm, acuminate, pubescent. Calyx openly campanulate, sericeous; lobes longer than the tube, narrowly ovate, 2.5-3 x ±1.2 mm, acute, green, sericeous. Petals light yellow. Standard blade obovate, ±8 x 6.5 mm, sericeous on the back. Wing blades oblanceolate, ±7 x 2 mm, apically rounded; basally with 1(-2) longitudinal row of minute folds; sericeous on lower and apical parts. Keel blades narrowly lunate, ±6 x 2.5 mm, with slightly S-curved upper margin, almost totally sericeous. Pistil pubescent on ovary and style base; ovules 2. Pods not seen.
Prostrate, ± mat-forming shrublet. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets oblanceolate, weak, without distinct veins, hairy to subglabrous. Flowers few on a terminal peduncle, pale yellow, wings and keel silky, calyx silky, lobes narrowly ovate.