A decumbent or ascending, sparingly branched shrublet up to ±0.25 m tall. Young branches usually dark reddish, but covered with white-woolly pubescence. Leaves of long-shoots alternate, subsequently with lateral leafy short-shoots. Leaflets of young long-shoot leaves linear, 10-16(-19) mm long and up to ±0.8 mm broad, slightly flattened, weak, green, acute or acuminate, with sparse, rather long, spreading hairs; leaflets of lower branches (short-shoot-leaflets) much smaller and subglabrous. Inflorescence a terminal head of 4(-6) flowers. Bract simple, similar to a leaflet of a vegetative leaf, 6-14.5 x 0.2-0.5 mm, with sparse spreading hairs from ± prominent hair base tubercles. Pedicel ±1 mm long, pubescent. Bracteoles similar to the bract, 7-11 mm long. Calyx tube white-sericeous (-woolly); lobes linear-filiform, 7-12 x 0.5-0.7 mm, weak, flexible, of same texture as the bract. Petals light yellow. Standard broadly obovate, 10-12 x 9.5-14 mm, tomentose on the back, glabrous on the front, with a straight, green, apical 'tip' up to 1 mm long. Wing blades elliptic-obovate, 5.5-9.5 x 2.5-5 mm. Keel blades lunate, 7.5-10 x 5.2 mm, glabrous with ± straight upper margin. Wing and keel claws attached at the base to the staminal sheath. Pistil: ovary long-pubescent. Pod ovate, ±5.5 x 3.3 mm, white-villous.
Sprawling, sparsely branched shrublet to 25 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear, slightly flattened, weak, sparsely long-hairy to glabrous. Flowers few in a terminal head, pale yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx white-silky, lobes thread-like.