A dense, low, decumbent to semi-prostrate, densely branched shrublet with horizontal branches up to 0.3 m long or longer and with ascending, short, densely leafy branchlets. Young branches shortly villous. Leaves densely set. Leaflets linear, 3-8 (often ±5 mm long and ±0.5 mm thick, subterete, slightly incurved, acute-mucronulate (not pungent), pale green, glabrous. Inflorescences unifloral, on lateral short-shoots. Flowers similar to those of A. chortophil. Bract subulate-filiform, 1-3 mm long, pubescent. Pedicel 1-2 mm long, short-villous. Bracteoles filiform-acicular, 0.6-2 mm long. Calyx villous; lobes subulate, 2.3-3.2 mm long, with terete, pointed, subglabrous apices. Petals yellow. Standard blade broadly obovate, (6.5-)7-10 x 7.5-10.5 mm, apically emarginate, with a short 'tip'; densely sericeous to tomentose on the back, glabrous or with few hairs near the apex on the front. Wing blades 5.4-7.6 x 1.7-2.7 mm, pubescent on the lowermost part. Keel blades lunate, 5.5-7.8 x 3-4 mm, with rounded apex, short-sericeous except on marginal parts; upper margin slightly convex. Pistil woolly on the ovary; ovules 2; style glabrous. Ripe pods not seen.
Dense, sprawling to rounded shrublet. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets subterete, slightly incurved, glabrous. Flowers single on short shoots, scattered, yellow, keel and wings shortly silky, calyx softly hairy, lobes awl-shaped, terete, tips subglabrous.