Robust erect shrubs up to 4 m tall, reseeder. Stems single, with a trunk up to 7.5 cm diam., bark brown with fine encrustations; branches erect to spreading, young branches densely silvery sericeous. Leaflets 5-8 mm long, needle-like, stiff, spreading, covered with silvery-grey, appressed pubescence, arranged in clusters of up to 6 leaflets. Inflorescences unifloral, on short brachyblasts, scattered in upper third of each branchlet. Flowers 10-11 mm long, yellow, exceeding leaves; pedicel 1 mm long, tomentose; bract 2-3 mm long, filiform, few-haired; bracteoles 2.5 mm long, filiform. Calyx 8 mm long, oblong-campanulate, appressed sericeous inside and outside, margins with dense white tufts; lobes narrowly subulate, acuminate, terete, teeth 4 mm, green; tube 4 mm long, equal to teeth, yellowish. Standard blade 11 x 9 mm, broadly elliptic, emarginate; claw 3 mm wide, scarcely channelled, curved. Wing blades 5.5 x 2.0 mm, shorter than keel, glabrous, with raised ridge along the midline; petal sculpturing comprises 2-3(4) rows of 13-17 small lunate costal pockets upper basal and upper central; claw 3 mm, slightly recurved. Keel petals 9.0 x 3.0-3.5 mm; blades 6 mm wide, glabrous, apex obtuse, pocketed, fused; claw 3 mm long, ribbon-like, straight. Androecium 5 mm long; anthers with 5 shorter basifixed and 5 longer dorsifixed, versatile anthers. Pistil 8 mm long; ovary 1 mm long, shaggy, ovules 2; style straight to gently upcurved, hairy along upper margin. Fruits almost obliquely hemi-spherical (immature), style persistent; seeds unknown.