Small erect flexuous shrubs up to 0.3 m tall. Stems semi-erect, with flexuose sinuous branches; young shoots pale yellow, sparsely silvery sericeous. Leaflets trifoliolate, borne on an inconspicuous leaf base, 1.0-1.8 mm long, lanceolate, soft, spreading, densely covered in silvery-grey hairs, arranged in clusters of up to up to 15 leaflets per axil. Inflorescences held well above the ground; a terminal group or head of 3-6 flowers, borne atop a 20-30 mm long brachyblast; peduncle 7-8 mm. Flowers 6-7 mm long, white or cream to very pale yellow, greatly exceeding leaves; pedicel absent, sericeous; bract 1.5-2.0 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, lanceolate, leaf-like; bracteoles 2.5-3.0 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, narrowly lanceolate calyx 4 mm long, densely sericeous inside and on inner surface of the of teeth; teeth triangular, dark green, acute teeth 2 mm; tube 2 mm long, yellowish but upper portion pink, equal to teeth. Standard blade 4 x 3 mm, scarcely reflexed, appendages absent, auriculate, narrowly ovate, acute; densely sericeous on the back over whole surface and slightly flushed pink along mid-line, white with brownish-red flecks, claw 2 mm long, scarcely channelled, curved. Wing blades 4 x 2 mm, shorter than keel, densely hairy except near auricle; petal sculpturing present, upper surface, comprised of over 25 small lamellate transcostal ridges, upper surface folded inwards and covering top of the keel; claw 1.5 mm, sharply recurved. Keel petals 5 mm long, 2 mm wide; blades 3 mm wide, densely hairy in lower parts and towards apex, apex obtuse, pocketed, fused; claw 2 mm long, ribbon-like, straight, attached to base of androecium. Androecium 5 mm long; anthers with 5 shorter basifixed and 5 longer dorsifixed, versatile anthers. Pistil 5 mm long; ovary 1 mm long, shaggy along upper margin and upper base of style, ovules 2-3; style straight to gently upcurved. Fruits and seeds unknown.