An erect, much branched shrub 1.3-2.5 m tall, with pale grey bark. Young branches short-and white-tomentose. Axillary short-shoots soon developed in leaf axils. Leaflets linear, 6-14 mm long, weak, ± incurved, acute to apiculate. Inflorescences ± globose, head-like, terminal umbel of 5-15 flowers. Flowers similar in several respects to those of A. carnosa. Bract fused to the pedicel (emerging near the calyx ±5-9 mm from the pedicel base), rhombic or triangular-ovate, 3.2-5.5 x 2.5-5 mm, flat or ± convex, glabrous, with slightly lobate-denticulate margin and a pronounced apex. Pedicel 5-10 mm, white-tomentulose. Bracteoles lanceolate, 4-6 x 0.7-1.3 mm. Calyx tube puberulous; lobes ovate, marginally overlapping, 4-5 mm long, green, basally ± recurved, obtuse or emarginate, subglabrous. Petals bright yellow, somewhat carnose, with rather long claws. Standard blade 10.5-12 x 9.2-12 mm, glabrous except on base of the back. Wing blades slightly upcurved, lunate, 10-11 x 4-5 mm. Keel rostrate, apically tapering and almost pointed; blades 8.3-10 mm long, 3.5-4.2 mm broad, pale yellow, rigid, with shallow basal pouch. Pistil somewhat puberulous only on ovary base; ovules 2; style long, curved. Pod obliquely lanceolate, ±14 x 4.2 mm, slightly rugose, subglabrous.
Like A. carnosa but bracts rhombic-ovate with slightly dentate margins and a sharply pointed tip, pedicels longer, 5-10 mm long, and keel rostrate.