A strong, rigid shrub or shrublet (of unknown size) with thick, pale branches ending in straight, rigid, sharp thorns. Young branches, also rigid, thorn-like, sparsely short-sericeous. Leaflets linear, 3-6 mm long, 0.3-0.6 mm thick, subterete or slightly flattened, straight (or slightly incurved), weak, acute, glabrous, pale greyish green. Inflorescences 1-3-flowered, on lateral short-shoots, or 2-4 flowers (situated less than 1 mm from each other) on tips of short rigid branchlets. Bract caducous (not seen). Pedicel 2-2.5 mm long, slender, short-sericeous. Bracteoles linear-subulate, 0.4-0.6 x ±0.1 mm. Calyx campanulate, short-sericeous or puberulous; lobes triangular, 0.4-0.9 mm long, obtuse, puberulous to subglabrous. Petals probably pale yellow or light yellow. Standard with rather long (1.2-1.5 mm) claw; the blade broadly obovate or elliptic, ±4.1 x 3.3 mm, obtuse, with short tomentulose or sericeous pubescence on the back (and on the claw). Wing blades lanceolate, 3-3.3 x 1.2-1.4, apically rounded, glabrous, with ±3 rows of minute folds on upper parts of basal half. Keel blades ±4.3 x 2.2 mm, glabrous. Pistil pubescent on upper parts of the ovary and ciliate on upper side of basal half of the style; ovules 2; stigma regular, capitate. Ripe pods not seen.
Rigid shrub or shrublet, branches ending in thorns. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear, subterete or slightly flattened, straight, weak, glabrous. Flowers 1-3 on short shoots, or 2-4 on tips of short, rigid branches, scattered, pale yellow, wings and keel glabrous, calyx shortly hairy, lobes reduced or tooth-like.