A decumbent or ascending, sparsely to rather densely branched shrublet with up to 0.6 m long branches; branches straight, spreading, reddish or yellowish, densely puberulous. Leaflets linear, 1.5-6(-10) mm long, ±0.3 mm thick, generally straight and spreading, terete, obtuse(-subacute), greenish, clothed with short, spreading hairs. Flowers dispersed for distances of 20-15 mm along the branch ends. Bract small, subulate, 0.2-2(-3) mm long, less than 0.2 mm broad, short-pubescent, perhaps sometimes lacking. Pedicel 0.5-1.3 mm long, tomentulose. Bracteoles tooth-like or subulate, 0.2-0.5(-1.5) mm long, or lacking. Calyx tube short, 1.5-2 mm long, short-tomentose; lobes linear, (1.3-)1.8-4(-5) mm long, subterete, straight, pointed, partly puberulous, glabrous towards apices. Petals yellow, generally turning orange, ferruginous or brown-purple. Standard blade broadly obovate, 5-6.5(-7.5) x (3.5-)4-5.5(-6.5) mm, short-tomentose on the back, often with a short apical 'tip'. Wing blades narrowly rectangular-elliptic, 3.8-5(-5.5) x 1.2-2.4 mm, glabrous, with 2-4 rows of minute folds on upper basal parts; often attached at the base to the keel pouch. Keel 4.2-5.7 x 2-3 mm, glabrous, with almost straight upper margin. Wing and keel claws rather short, sometimes basally adnate to the staminal sheath. Pistil sericeous on the ovary; style glabrous, upcurved. Pod ovate or rhombic-ovate, 4-6.5 x 2.2-4 mm, with spreading, short, tomentose pubescence.
Erect or sprawling shrublet to 60 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets terete, straight, hairy. Flowers solitary, scattered at branch ends, yellow, fading orange, reddish or brown-purple, wings and keel glabrous, calyx hairy, lobes linear, subterete, glabrous towards apices.