An erect, straight, rather sparingly branched shrub 0.4-1.3 m tall, with branches long and tail-like, covered with white-hairy, densely situated leaflets. Young branches white-woolly (rarely sericeous). Leaflets linear, (3.5-)5-11 mm long, ±0.3-0.4 mm thick, subterete, soft and flexible, acute, densely covered with white, half-spreading long hairs (rarely short-sericeous). Inflorescences unifloral, on lateral short-shoots, often numerous, scattered along the branches. Bract filiform, 1.5-3.5 x 0.1-0.2 mm, weak, ± pigmented, with long hairs. Pedicel 0.3-1 mm long, white-woolly. Bracteoles 1.2-3 mm long. Calyx covered with dense, white, sericeous pubescence; lobes sharply demarcated from tube, linear, (1.5-)3.5-5.5 mm long, weak, pointed, densely pubescent. Petals pale lemon-yellow. Standard blade circular, (4.5-)5-7.8 x 5-8.3 mm, obtuse-retuse, densely white-tomentose on the back, glabrous (or sparsely puberulous at upper margin) on the front. Wing blades (0.3-)3.7-5.6 x 1.2-2 mm. Keel blades (3.4-)4.3-6.5(-7) x (2-)2.6-3.5(-4) mm, with slightly convex upper margin. Pistil woolly to sericeous on most parts of the ovary and on upper side of the basal three-quarters of the style. Pod obliquely and broadly ovate, 4.5-6 x 3-4 mm, dark, glabrous on lower, sericeous to woolly on other parts.
Erect shrub, 0.4-2.0 m high; sparingly branched, branches long and tail-like, with long, white hairs when young. Leaflets linear, (3.5-)5.0-11.0 mm long, subterete, soft and flexible, acute, densely covered with white, half-spreading long hairs. Inflorescences unifloral, many, scattered on lateral short-shoots. Flowers pale yellow. Calyx covered with dense, white, sericeous pubescence; lobes linear, weak, pointed. Petals: standard blade densely white-tomentose. Pod obliquely and widely ovate, dark, glabrous to woolly.