Decumbent or erect shrub, 0.1-1.0 m high; sparingly ramified, young branches reddish to yellowish, puberulous. Leaflets linear, 1-8 mm long, straight or slightly curved, subterete, fairly pale green, acute or obtuse, sparsely patent-puberulous. Inflorescences small and inconspicuous, distributed along branch ends. Flowers pale yellow or nearly white, keel of apex and back of standard petal often dull violet; blade of standard petal often reflexed above middle. Flowering time Sept.-Jan. Pod rhombic ovate, greenish or greyish until ripe, sparsely short-tomentose.
Erect to decumbent shrub, 1 m or more tall, young branches reddish to pale yellowish. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets linear, straight or slightly curved. Flowers along upper parts of branches, inconspicuous, pale yellow or partly white with keel apex and middle of standard back often violet or purplish, calyx lobes broadly awl-shaped to linear, standard with upper half reflexed, hairy on upper half of back. Pod rhombic-ovate, sparsely hairy.
Erect or spreading shrub to 1 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets subterete, straight or slightly curved, subglabrous. Flowers solitary, scattered at branch ends, pale yellow or nearly white with keel tip and back of standard dull violet, wings glabrous, keel sometimes hairy, calyx sparsely hairy, lobes awl-shaped, subterete, subglabrous.