A prostrate, densely matted shrublet with branches up to more than 0.3 m long; young branches densely short-pubescent and very densely leafy. Leaflets numerous together in fascicles, very slender, subfiliform-acicular, 2-5 mm long, ±0.2 mm thick, terete, glabrous, weak, acuminate. Inflorescences unifloral, on the apices of short leafy branchlets. Bract subulate, ±0.7 x less than 0.2 mm, abaxially glabrous, adaxially with short hairs. Pedicel very short. Bracteoles only ±0.4 x 0.1 mm. Calyx tube ±1.5 mm long, longitudinally ridged, purplish, sparsely puberulous or subglabrous; lobes linear-subulate, 2.2-2.6 x ±0.2 mm, subterete, acuminate, weak, green, glabrous. Petals yellow (or ± purplish), glabrous. Standard blade broadly obovate, ±4.6 mm long (including an apical, subulate, ±0.6 mm long cusp, emerging slightly below the apex on the back), ±3.6 mm broad. Wing blades oblong, ±3.1 x 2.2 mm, apically rounded and slightly widened, with 2 ± distinct rows of minute folds on basal half. Keel lunate, ±3.4 x 1.6 mm, with slightly S-curved upper margin. Pistil pubescent on upper side of ovary and basal half of the style; ovules 2. Pod broadly ovate-subcordate, ±6 x 4.3 mm, laterally compressed, smooth, dark brown to almost black, glabrous except for some pubescence along the upper suture.
Prostrate, mat-forming shrublet with branches to 30 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets fascicled, terete, very slender, slightly curved, weak, glabrous. Flowers single on tips of branchlets, yellow or ± purplish, wings glabrous, keel with slightly S-curved, upper margin, glabrous, calyx purplish, sparsely hairy or subglabrous, lobes awl-shaped, subterete, weak, glabrous.