A very sparingly branched, gracile, decumbent or low, spreading shrublet with branches, 0.3-1 m long or more. Young branches slender, straight, tomentose-sericeous. Leaves trifoliolate, with inconspicuous leaf base; long-shoot leaves soon with axillary short-shoots. Leaflets small, ovate or broadly lanceolate, 1-3.5 x 0.5-1.5 mm, obtuse-sub-acute, weak, silky sericeous. Inflorescence unifloral or bifloral, on branch ends, but seemingly lateral as a rapidly growing branch is developed in the axil of the uppermost leaf. Bract flat, circular or ovate, 2-3 x 2-3 mm, acute, silky sericeous. Pedicel very short. Bracteoles ovate, 3-4 x 1.2-2 mm, acute, sericeous. Calyx infundibular-campanulate, short-sericeous; lobes rounded-triangular, ±2.5 mm long, acute, sericeous. Petals light yellow, in later stages often ± purplish, the claws less than half as long as the blades. Standard obovate, 9-10 x 7-8 mm, apically retuse, sericeous on the back. Wing blades oblong, broadest in the apical half, with a main longitudinal fold, and 1-2 rows of minute folds basally, sericeous on the lower half. Keel blades lunate, 5-6 x ±3 mm, sericeous on most parts. Pistil sericeous on the ovary and style base; ovules 2. Pod triangular-ovate, 7-8 mm long, densely sericeous.
Slender, sparsely branched, sprawling shrublet. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets ovate or broadly lanceolate, weak, silky. Flowers 1 or 2 at branch tips but appearing subterminal, pale yellow, fading purplish, wings and keel silky, calyx silky, lobes blunt.