Sprawling shrublet, up to 0.8 m long; branched diffusely. Branches reddish brown, slender. Leaflets terete, linear, slightly incurved, acute, glabrescent or silvery sericeous. Inflorescences with solitary flowers on a peduncle-like internode of slender lateral branches. Calyx infundibular-campanulate, glabrous or with appressed, short pubescence; lobes subterete, acute. Petals yellow to rusty. Flowering time Apr., May. Pod at least 15 mm long, tapering at both ends, fusiform lanceolate, very sparsely appressed puberulous, smooth.
Sprawling shrublet with branches to 80 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets terete, glabrous. Flowers solitary on slender, peduncle-like stalks, yellow to rusty or partly red, wings and keel glabrous, calyx adpressed-hairy, lobes awl-shaped, glabrous. Pods long, diamond-shaped.