procumbent or prostrate shrublet with branches up to more than 0.5 m long, rather slender, sparingly or closely ramified. Young branches with long, white, spreading, woolly pubescence. Leaves flat, simple (unifoliolate), often rather closely set, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 7-18 x 1.5-8(-10) mm, rather weak and soft, acuminate (to spine-tipped), sparsely or, especially on adaxial side, with densely woolly pubescence (sometimes almost glabrous below); lower side with 3(-5) distinct veins running from the base. Inflorescence unifloral or a raceme with 2-3 flowers, situated on a peduncle-like axis 5-20(-30) mm above the uppermost leaf. Bract linear or subulate, rarely minute and tooth-like, 0.3-5.5 mm long, weak, ciliate. Pedicel 2-7 mm long, short-villous to woolly. Bracteoles 0.2-4.5 mm long. Calyx tube infundibular, with sparse, long, spreading hairs; lobes linear-subulate, 3-5.5(-6.3) mm long, attenuate, weak, with scattered hairs. Petals light yellow or ± violet on the standard. Standard blade obovate, 6-10 x (6.5-)7.5-11 mm, tomentose to sericeous on the back, apically rounded but with a 'tip'. Wing blades narrowly obovate or elliptic, (4.6-)5.3-7.3(-8) x 2.1-3.2(-3.6) mm. Keel blades slightly rostrate, (5-)6-7 x 3.1-4.3 mm, with distinctly concave upper margin. Pistil: ovary elongate, lunate; ovules 2-8; style glabrous, upcurved. Pod lanceolate to linear-falcate, 10-15 x ±4 mm, with sparse, long pubescence.
Sprawling to prostrate shrublet, branches to 50 cm. Leaves 1-foliolate, flat, ovate-lanceolate, 3(-5)-veined from base, silky. Flowers solitary or 2 or 3 in racemes on distinct peduncles, pale yellow or violet on standard, wings and keel glabrous, calyx sparsely soft-hairy with attenuate lobes.