A half-erect, straggling shrub with long branches entangled in other shrubs, up to 1 m long, fairly much branched. Young branches with sparse, long, spreading hairs. Leaves trifoliolate, on inconspicuous leaf base; those on long-shoots with leaflets broadly lanceolate, 10-22 x 3-7 mm, attenuate-acuminate, clear green, with sparse, spreading hairs especially along the margins (which are slightly warty) and with 3 ± distinct longitudinal veins. Inflorescence and branching mode as in A. lanata, but inflorescence usually consisting of only one flower; peduncle (internode below flower) 15-40 mm long, straight, with sparse, spreading long hairs. Bract linear, 5-12 x 0.5 mm, flexible, with spreading hairs. Pedicel 1-2 mm long (longer in fruit), subglabrous. Bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 4-10 x 0.5-1 mm. Calyx tube openly campanulate, with sparse, spreading hairs; lobes linear-subulate, 7-10 mm long, weak, with sparse long hairs. Petals similar in shape to, but larger than those of A. lanata. Standard blade 10-13 x 12-18 mm. Wing blades narrowly obovate, 8-11 x ±5 mm. Keel blades 7-9 x 4-6 mm, slightly more rostrate than in A. lanata and with less distinct basal pouch. Ovary elongate, with 9-12 ovules. Pod linear-lanceolate, 23-30 x ±5 mm, somewhat veined, with long, sparse spreading hairs.
Like A. lanata but leaflets broadly lanceolate, with ± 3 distinct veins, often undulate, sparsely hairy and calyx lobes linear-awl-shaped with sparse, long hairs.