Shrublets, decumbent, with branches 0.3-0.7 m long. Young branches usually purple or ferruginous, faintly sulcate, sparsely short-sericeous. Leaves piniform, 25-45 mm long, subterete (or slightly flattened), apically acute-acuminate and often slightly curved, glabrous or with sparse adpressed hairs, the basal, ±1 mm long, pulvinar part puberulous, leaf base without lateral teeth. Flowers solitary, or few, rarely up to 5, on branch ends, often solitary or in pairs on short branchlets, when several, then at short intervals in corymb-like raceme. Bract and bracteoles triangular or subulate, 0.2-1(-1.3) mm. Pedicel 1.5-5(-6.5) mm, subglabrous or adpressed-puberulous. Calyx infundibular-campanulate, sparsely puberulous, with triangular, 0.5-1.2 mm long, acute lobes. Petals yellow or standard often with violet or purple shades. Standard blade 5-7(-7.5) x 5-7(-8) mm, short-sericeous on the back. Wing blades 3.8-5.3 x 1.4-2 mm, not twisted. Keel 4.8-5.8 x 2.7-3.6 mm, with convex upper margin, glabrous. Pistil short-hairy on ovary and style base; ovules 2; stigma regular, capitate. Pod obliquely lanceolate, 15.5-16.5 x 3.2-3.6 mm.
Decumbent shrublet with branches 30-70 cm. Leaves 1-foliolate, needle-like, basally with a constricted portion, glabrous or shortly hairy. Flowers 1(-5) on branch ends, yellow or standard tinted violet or purple, wings and keel glabrous, calyx sparsely short-hairy, lobes triangular.