Prostrate shrublet with main branches up to longer than 1 m, radiating from a common centre and forming circular mats on the ground, rather densely leafy. Leaflets subulate-botuliform, 1-2(-3) mm long, 0.3-0.4 mm thick, subterete, usually curved, especially apices often recurved, light green, glabrous, ending in a c 0.3 mm long mucro. Flowers solitary or in pairs on the tips of densely leafy branchlets. Bract lanceolate-subulate, 1.4-2.5 x 0.3-0.8 mm, subglabrous, mucronate. Pedicel (0.5-)1.5-2 mm long, tomentose. Bracteoles 1-2.2 mm long. Calyx tube campanulate, densely puberulous; lobes deltoid-triangular, 1.2-2 mm long, green, subglabrous, ending in an (often incurved) cusp ±0.3 mm long. Petals light bright yellow. Standard blade broadly ovate, (5.5-)6-7.5 x (4.7-)5-6.2 mm, rounded (but with a 'point'), short-sericeous on most of the back. Wing blades narrowly elliptic, (2.7-)3-4.1 x 1.6-2 mm, glabrous or with some hairs on lower parts. Keel blades lunate, 5-6.2 x 2-2.6(-2.8) mm, apically somewhat tapering (not squarish) but obtuse, upper side concave; sericeous on lower half or more. Pistil sericeous on upper parts of ovary and style base. Pod ovate, 4.3-5.5 x 2.7-3 mm, short-sericeous.
Prostrate, mat-forming shrublet with branches to 1 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets subterete, usually curved, mucronate, glabrous. Flowers 1 or 2 at tips of branchlets, pale yellow, wings sometimes with some hairs, keel silky, calyx densely hairy, lobes triangular, incurved-cuspidate, subglabrous.