An erect, lanky, up to 2 m tall, sparingly branched shrub with few lateral branches or none; upper parts of branches long-tomentose to sericeous. Leaves of long-shoots subtended by a woody, yellow, obtuse, glabrous leaf base spur 1-2 mm long. Leaflets linear, 5-12(-16) mm long, slender, weak, bright green, acute, glabrous or usually sparsely and patently puberulous. Flowers solitary, on lateral short-shoots, distributed along long distances of the shrub. Bract linear, 2-4.5 mm long, and ±0.4 mm broad, weak, sericeous. Pedicel 2.3-3 mm long, sericeous. Bracteoles 2-4.5 mm long. Calyx tube sparsely sericeous; lobes narrowly triangular(-subulate), upper 1.5-2.7 mm long, lowest 1.8-3.3 mm long, acuminate, weak, sparsely sericeous. Petals yellow. Standard blade elliptic, 12-14 x 8-11 mm, sericeous on the back, apically acute-acuminate and incurved, basally without distinct callosities. Wing blades 9.5-10.5 x 3.2-4.8 mm, glabrous. Keel blades distinctly rostrate, 10.2-12.7 x 5-5.5 mm, pale yellow, mutually connate also along upper sides near the apex (to form an apical tube). Anthers basally hairy, the long ones 2-3 mm, the short ones 0.5-0.7 mm long. Pistil subsessile; ovary linear; long-sericeous apically and on upper half; ovules 14-16; style slender; stigma sub-capitate (only slightly forwardly directed). Pod linear-lanceolate, 22-33 x 4.3-5 mm, smooth, often 4-seeded.
Lanky, sparsely branched shrub to 2 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaf bases forming spurs, leaflets terete, weak. Flowers solitary on short shoots, scattered for some distance, yellow, wings glabrous, keel rostrate, glabrous, calyx silky, lobes narrowly triangular, anthers hairy below.