A low, little or moderately branched shrublet, decumbent or ascending, up to 0.4 m tall, with slender branches short-villous or tomentulose on the young parts. Leaflets minute, linear-vermiform, 1-2.5(-4) mm long, ±0.2 mm thick, subterete, obtuse or subobtuse, often slightly incurved, sombre green, smooth or those near branch tips with sparse hairs on minute tubercles. Inflorescence a terminal head of 2-6 flowers (rarely a single flower). Bract trifoliolate, similar to vegetative leaves; leaflets 2-3 mm long, ±0.5 mm broad, slightly flat, ± tuberculate (hair base tubercles) and ± ciliate, subacute. Pedicel almost absent to less than 0.5 mm long. Bracteoles simple, linear, similar to bract leaflets but longer, 3.5-5 x 0.4-0.7 mm. Calyx tube with longitudinal ridges and tomentose pubescence; lobes linear-subulate, 5-7 mm long, green, tapering, acute, with knotty hair base tubercles and sparse spreading hairs. Petals yellow. Standard blade broadly obovate or circular, 7-10 x 7-11 mm, rounded apically, densely sericeous on the back. Wing blades obovate, 4-7 x (1.6-)2-3 mm. Keel blade broadly lunate, 5.2-7.5 x (3-)3.5-4.7 mm, glabrous, with nearly straight upper margin. Wing and keel claws adnate to the staminal sheath for the basal third of their length. Pistil: ovary pubescent. Ripe pods not seen.
Like A. ciliaris but leaves minute, to 4 mm long.